Dungeons and dragons
Dungeons and dragons

Executing attacks reduces stamina and some of the most powerful attacks will temporarily reduce your maximum stamina. Deplete your stamina and experience a short period of exhaustion before it regenerates.

dungeons and dragons

The only thing that limits your hero is the stamina cost of their move. There are hundreds of branching outcomes to be explored. And through that experience, using different light or fierce attacks with different toggles and button presses, will open up different branches to different attack sequences. Each hero starts off with a limited move set that grows as they level up their character. Players get to shine by seeing outcomes of their input combos that always make them feel like they did something cool while also rewarding players who figure out how to execute specific moves when and where they want. Plus, this is a co-op experience – nobody’s waiting on a friend to figure that out. We also want to avoid players feeling the need pause combat to search through the UI for their combo button inputs. We want to use the experience itself to help players learn those combos intuitively through our emergent combat system.

dungeons and dragons

Press X after a successful hit to force a critical. Press forward and light attack to execute a special move.

dungeons and dragons

We want to capture the player’s imagination in that moment they realize that they have control of what’s happening. We also want to provide depth to players who invest time to really master combat – to embody the persona of that hero. Players start with a simple choice of attack inputs: light attack or fierce attack? Everyone needs to feel cool, taking on the mantle of their favorite hero, hewing their way through hordes of goblins and gnolls. The first thing we knew we wanted was to democratize our combat – make it accessible.

Dungeons and dragons